Vega Aegis's Jump Puzzles

Difficulty Legend★☆☆☆☆ - Easy - Simple jumps
★★☆☆☆ - Normal - Slighty tougher jumps
★★★☆☆ - Hard - Several tough jumps mixed with maybe techniques
★★★★☆ - Satan - Hardship and complex techniques abound
★★★★★ - God - You are/will go insane

Primal Datacenter

★★★☆☆ Hidden Commission
Hyperion Empyreum Ward 14 Plot 50
Notes: Courage isn't the absence of fear, it is the mastery of fear.------------------------------------------------

★★★☆☆ Hidden Wisdom
Leviathan Empyreum Ward 7 Ingleside Apartment #8 Wing 1 (S) (M) (Hard)
Notes: A proud lion above all guards his treasure at his feet. Inviting only the wise that See to freely reach it as they please...------------------------------------------------

★★★☆☆ Hidden Arche
Leviathan, Shirogane, Ward 12, Plot 8 Room #8
Notes: Where despair begins. So close to fulfilling their hope, only to lose it all at the last second... can you do better?------------------------------------------------

★★★★☆ Hidden Temple
Leviathan, Lavender Beds, Ward 3, Lily Hills Apartment #82 Wing 1
Notes: An old temple tower, rises from a tranquil forest, protecting something precious...------------------------------------------------

Hidden Yew's Jump Puzzle Hub
★★★★☆ Hidden Bough
Leviathan, Empyreum, Ward 7, Plot 2
Notes: What could possibly await you at the top? Open your eyes to the darkness and drown in its loveless embrace if you dare.
★★★★☆ Hidden Highwind
Room #1
Notes: Stomping grounds of a certain Dragoon, who after finally reaching the highest point, found herself forgotten from what mattered most...
★★★☆☆ Hidden Moonrise
Room #2
Notes: A slave to your fate, ever doomed to repeat this, again and again and again and again...
★★★☆☆ Hidden Judgement
Room #3
Notes: Step into the storm, know its mercy, let the wind and rain crash over thee, lightning bright, thunder bold, guiding us forevermore...
★★★☆☆ Hidden Reverie
Room #7
Notes: Reflect on it... your words... your emotions... Time... it will not wait... no matter... how hard you hold on. It escapes you... and...
★★★☆☆ Hidden Revelation
Room #8
Notes: I would know the weight of your souls...
★★★★☆ Hidden Illusion
Room #9
Notes: The rains have ceased, and we have been blessed with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it...
★★★★☆ Hidden Yearning
Room #10
Notes: I know what it's like to lose. Feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless...

★★★★★ Allie Noire
Leviathan, Goblet, Ward 7, Sultana's Breath Apartment #41 Wing 1
Notes: A bane to those with sanity. Lament not your solitude. Expect no sympathy. No regard. Nothing. Deeply... unforgiving.Insanity Clears: Rhaya, ... and 1 other!!!

Crystal Datacenter

★★★☆☆ Hidden Liralen
Goblin, Lavender Beds, Ward 24, Plot 3 Room #8
Notes: A flower made manifest by a simple love, innocent and pure. Never, however, to be requited.------------------------------------------------

★★★★☆ Hidden Starlight
Goblin, Lavender Beds, Ward 24, Wing 2, Lily Hills Apt #31
Notes: Enchanting and beautiful, the stars shine with a cold, distant radiance. Shining on the crestfallen, seemingly out of reach of all...------------------------------------------------

Aether Datacenter

★★★★☆ Hidden Flower
Jenova, Lavender Beds, Ward 7, Wing 2, Lily Hills Apt #72
Notes: Glory Lies beyond the horizon. Challenge it because it is unreachable. Learn to walk, run, and so much more...------------------------------------------------

★★★★☆ Hidden Memoria
Jenova Lavender Beds Ward 10 Plot 36 Room #47
Notes: When all that greeted me were jeering flowers and arrogant pillars, I did not stand and watch. I turned, and jumped again.------------------------------------------------

★★★☆☆ Hidden Peace
Sargatanas, Empyreum, Ward 17 Plot 2 FC Room #29
Notes: The longer one lives, the more one yearns for peace.. from the start, flame allowed us to flourish.. Flame, dear flame...------------------------------------------------

★★★☆☆ Hidden Asphodel
Siren, Mist, Ward 7 Topmast Apartment #89 Wing 1
Notes: Home for lost ghosts, listless and staid. Take care you do not become as hollow as they...------------------------------------------------

★★★★★ Hidden Despair
Siren, Mist, Ward 9, Plot 5 Room #26
Notes: A world steeped in the energies of the Void. No warmth can be found here, not a hint of mercy. The miserable have no other medicine but only hope...Insanity Clears: Ely, Niniki, Vorondur... and 3 others!!!------------------------------------------------

Chaos Datacenter

★★★★☆ Hidden Song
Ragnarok Lavender Beds Ward 8 Plot 54 Room #22
Notes: This world is too lonely for one without a soul. There's too much... emptiness. Our souls are missing, but our tears still work...------------------------------------------------

Light Datacenter

★★★★☆ Hidden Pillars
Alpha, Mist, Ward 8 plot 2 FC Room #27
Notes: Bathe the earth in bitter tears, and it will still be all to content to drink your blood. Bemoan you fate, or rise to jump again.------------------------------------------------

★★☆☆☆ Hidden Moonlight
Phoenix, Lavender Beds, Ward 11, Lily Hills Apartment #14 Wing 2
Notes: A pact was made, to ensure that my lady attained the ending she desired. That the Age of Stars would come, and put all worries to rest. An order not of gold but the stars and moon of the chill night.------------------------------------------------

★★★★☆ Hidden Aurora
Phoenix, Goblet, Ward 2, Plot 8
Notes: A tower standing tall in an endless expanse of the Void. Many saplings come and go within its walls, content to wait for windowed light. Only the arrogant climb, braving beyond the ledge, for eternal sunlight.------------------------------------------------

★★★★☆ Hidden Garden
Phoenix, Goblet, Ward 2, Plot 8 Room #1
Notes: An entrance fit for those with faith, they enter to find a lost garden, welcoming the content under shaded boughs... beneath gods who move as they please, seeking ever greater heights...------------------------------------------------

Dynamis Datacenter

★★★☆☆ Hidden Tower
Seraph Lavender Beds Ward 8 Plot 59
(EU Light DC) Alpha Mist Ward 8 Plot 8
Notes: The clouds have parted and the skies cleared. You shall rue the day you raised your eyes to the heavens!------------------------------------------------

★★★☆☆ Hidden Grace
Halicarnassus, Goblet, Ward 1 Plot 36
Notes: I've seen your kind, time and time again. Seeking every secret. But in the end... you lack the stomach. For the agony, that you'll bring upon yourself...